Cats have given their canine counterparts a run for their money; throughout their lifetime, pet owners have claimed that cats are generally better pets.
This was not always the case. Cats in ancient times were known to hunt rodents living in grain storages. Humans initially began to care for and nurture them by providing shelter and food and establishing a bond with each other.
The felines are blissfully aware. After being domesticated, cats have shown tame behavior, such as grooming, play-fighting, and bringing in random presents for their human owners.
If you have a pet cat, you will be delighted to learn the following mid-blowing cat facts.

1. Cats Are Not Ambidextrous
Not all cats use both their paws. You will notice which paw they favor if you pay attention to your pet while they are playing or grooming themselves. Their dominant one will show.
However, there is a better way to find out whether your cat is left or right-pawed. All you need is a glass and a pellet of cat food or treats. Place it in front of your fur baby and wait for their reaction.
Cats are notoriously curious, so it will only be a matter of time before they reach out to touch the object. Once they do you will know which paw your feline pet prefers. Repeat the test a few times to be sure.
According to a meta-analysis, 39% of cats are right-pawed while 36% are left-pawed. Left-handedness is more dominant in male felines just like in male humans.
2. Cats Are Stealthy
Felines, whether leopards or domestic cats are the stealthiest animals. Their ability lets them go undetected by predators and prey alike.
Cats like to put themselves on an elevated surface from where they can observe their environment. They keep an eye on who is coming and going. Some wild cats blend in with their surroundings so naturally that it becomes difficult to detect them.
You might have also noticed your pet cat doing the same. They observe and then approach with absolute stealth.
However, research suggests that a cat’s stealth is actually counterintuitive. It is quite inefficient as it involves wasting more energy to hunt.
Dogs hunt efficiently, cutting right to the chase. They cover longer distances faster to get to their prey. Cats, on the other hand, lurk around unnecessarily. This behavior is counterintuitive to evolution, where spending the least amount of energy for maximum efficiency is the principle.
3. Cats Love You Beyond Food
Food is what tightened the friendship between felines and humans. Contrary to popular belief, your cat does not view you only as their food source. The mind-blowing fact about cats is that they suffer from separation anxiety, just as dogs do. This behavior pattern is more common in households where there are no toys to play with.
Destructive behavior is the most common symptom in cats. Vocalization, aggression, and urinating outside of their litter box are other signs.
The number of women living in the household played a part in the occurrence of separation-related problems. Cats living in homes with no women or more than one woman showed significant signs of separation anxiety from their owners.
Does that mean your cat loves and cherishes you? The answer is yes, but sadly it is not the reason they freak out when you cry.
4. Cats Are Unable to Taste Sweetness
Cats generally use their taste buds to detect fresh food and judge its safety. They have a craving for meat or other animal products. However, it is mind-blowing to know that they cannot taste any sweetness.
This is due to the lack of genes that are required to make the sweetness receptor. The genes have ceased to exist for years now.
When a part of the gene structure is gone, there is no way it grows back. Maybe the inability of enjoying a sweet dessert is what makes them cranky!
It is widely believed that due to the lack of sweet receptors, they have become strict carnivores. They enjoy meat and fish according to their tastebuds.
So, why do cats eat cake?
If you are wondering why your cat eats your multi-layered chocolate cake, it is definitely not because of taste.
5. Cats Sleep for 70% of Their Lives
There is nothing to worry about if you see your cat snoozing around here and there in the house. Their DNA is programmed to get plenty of sleep.
The sleeping habits of felines vary with age and activity. They sleep for fifteen to twenty hours daily, which mind-blowingly adds up to seventy percent of their lives.
Cats are hereditarily crepuscular, making them active during dawn and dusk. Even if your pet kitten now only chases their favorite toy, cats have evolved to this schedule for a more efficient hunt for generations.
Experts say that even with all this sleep, they are not getting a deep enough slumber. This is because their naps are only fifteen to twenty minutes long, reducing deep sleep time to around five minutes.
Your cat’s twenty-four hour timeline can be broken down into four parts. Loafing, which is one of their short naps, hunting during dusk and dawn, and their REM sleep.
6. Cats Walk in a Manner Similar to Camels and Giraffes
The way a cat walks is one of the cutest things about them. But do you know, only camels and giraffes have a similar walking pattern?
They initially move both their right feet forward, followed by both of the left. This makes them move the front of their body forward at once and then the back, making a subtle swaying motion.
The mind blowing-fact is that only camels and giraffes walk similarly. If you look at a side-by-side video comparison you will notice the parallel.
When these animals move slowly, their movement appears hypnotic. Their sneakiness and the way they walk make them appear almost villainous. This, along with their glow-in-the-dark eyes, adds to their reputation of being notorious.
7. A Cat’s Nose Ridges Are as Distinct as a Fingerprint
Every time you look at your kitten, don’t you just want to bloop their nose? The soft, wet whiffer is a loveable feature on your feline friend. However, a cat’s nose is not only adorable, but it is also unique to them.
Sit your cat down on your lap and take a closer look at its nose. You will notice particular bumps and ridges. It is mind-blowing that this pattern is exclusive to each cat.
Since it is unique to each individual, it can be used as a form of identification in the future. Currently, microchip implants are used for safety to locate your pet if they are lost or during adoption.
However, they become useless if the chip becomes dislodged or malfunctions. The nose on the animal will always exist, unlike the chip. Hopefully, in the future, their inimitable feature can be used, especially during adoptions.
8. You Can Befriend a Cat by Blinking Slowly
Don’t you find it easier to befriend someone with an affectionate smile? It is the same for your kitten. However, a cat’s smile is very different from a human’s.
Narrowing your eyes in your cat’s direction is the best way to build rapport. The slow blinking motion mimics a cat smile and makes you more likable to your feline friend.
Although, a cat’s eye-narrowing movements are similar to a human being’s genuine smile, especially a Duchenne smile. A Duchenne smile reaches your eyes, causing the corners to wrinkle with the crow’s feet.
In some species of animals, narrow eyes are a sign of positive circumstances. Once you slowly blink at your cat, chances are they will do it back to you.
It is a sign of a friendly approach from both the human and the feline.
9. A Cat Has Been to Space
Traveling to space was a great feat for human beings. The first launch of a rocket ship or the first landing on the moon are all significant historical events.
The amazing fact is that this extraordinary journey has been completed by a cat! Felicette was a former stray who won the golden ticket amongst fourteen others.
October 18, 1963, marks the day Félicette the cat completed her journey to space. The remarkable cat was given the fitting name of ‘Astrocat’. She went as part of the French space program.
The take-off was from the famous Sahara Desert, and the entire trip took a total of fifteen minutes. The crew reached an altitude of 100 miles above Earth. She was monitored closely as her capsule dropped safely back to the ground.
The phenomenal Astrocat has been honored with a statue in Pioneer Hall at the International Space University near Strasbourg, France.
10. The Cat Door Was Invented by Sir Isaac Newton
The most fascinating fact about cats is the contribution of Sir Isaac Newton in creating the cat door.
The famous scientist was rumored to have been working on an experiment at the University of Cambridge. He was nose-deep into work when his two cats kept scratching at the door.
Frustrated by the situation, he asked the university carpenter to carve two holes in the door, one for the mom and one for her kittens.
The cat doors are said to be still present at Cambridge University.
Final Thoughts
Cats are full of amazing tricks and characteristics. Yes, they are the stealthiest animals who can be either left or right-pawed. Your feline friend loves you not just for food but craves your affection as well.
Apart from these interesting cat facts, there are several benefits of owning a cat. The top one is that they are low maintenance. They do not require regular walking, training, or frequent grooming, making them fantastic companions for humans.