Why is My Cat Peeing on My Bed?

As a cat owner, waking up to find your feline friend has urinated on your bed can be frustrating and confusing. If you’re wondering why your cat is displaying this unwanted behavior, you’re not alone.

In fact, according to MDPI journal’s special issue on “Cat Behaviour, Physiology, and Welfare“, “inappropriate elimination” is one of the most common issues that cat owners face.

The good news is, there are several reasons why your cat may be peeing on your bed, and solutions to address the problem.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential causes of this behavior and provide practical tips for how to prevent it from happening again.

So, keep reading to learn more about this issue and how to keep your cat happy and healthy.

Both behavioral and medical reasons change their peeing habits.

When she pees exclusively on the bed, maybe she wants to express her rage. She might want to convey that her litter box has some problems, maybe something else!

Medical problems like diabetes make it tough for them to take their time, going to the litterbox.

Once there is a need, they have to pee at once. Urinary tract infection, bladder stones are also the culprits very often.

Major reasons for cat peeing on your bed

Before we dive into some more technical reasons, let’s talk about some easy to comprehend questions which are related to the mighty question of “Why is my cat peeing on my bed?”

The discussion is about Litterboxes

Many of your comfort-seeking tendencies make your cat pee on your bed, taking away all the comfort you think you deserve. Sounds creepy?

Yeah, but that’s true.

You want them to pee where they are completely out of your sight, you want their litter boxes to be covered so to avoid odour.

But what if they become uneasy peeing miles away from their playing area?

What happens then? Obviously, they get spoiled. Then they pee on your bed. How straightforward!!

Litterbox Conditions

Cleanliness of the litterbox, if not properly maintained, offends cats a lot. 

Do you have a thorough cleanliness inspection of the litterbox?

Do you wash it often?

Well it’s extremely important. Try to wash it at least twice a day.

Switching from one type to the other may also cause trouble here.

Even little changes i.e. in the physical shape of the box might also force her to pee out of it.  

Moreover, Bad light and noise also have bad effects in this regard.

Psychological importance

Cats develop an emotional attachment with everything they have contact with.

This also features their litter box, that’s why even color changes (when you buy a new box of the same kind) might cause distress.

Subsequently, they choose to pee at such a place where they feel at home. And most probably, it’s your bed. 

Size and number

If we talk about size, the best size for the box is at least double that of a cat. Anything shorter than that means a compromise in the ease for the cat.

Cats like to eliminate in their own litterbox, so, if not provided as many litter boxes as a number of cats in your house, at least one for each, they might divert.

An extra one would definitely make it easier to manage, in case there is an emergency or cats affected with mood syndromes refuse to pee in their specified boxes.  


Consider its location, if it is placed at some hustling place, cats might feel disturbed while peeing in it.

This disturbance when elongated makes her head towards your warm, comfortable bed.

The same attitude appears on the scene if the location is too far from her playing area or living area.

Litterbox fits the merit if it facilitates cats. If it parries them, it’s not worth it.

As explained in the beginning, any alteration in the litterboxes should be done keeping in mind how it will affect cats, not YOU.  

When she is attached too much

When she pees on your bed, she could be overly attached to you.

How do you know if her attachment to you is the core reason why she pees on your bed?

Have a look at your clothes pile. If the pee odor is there, your doubts are correct.

Moreover, you might also smell your sofa, couch, or study chair. If she is overly addicted, she would have peed over there as well.

But why pee when in love?

This question sneaks in too hard.

Well, she is missing you!!

When you are not around, she tries to sniff your bed, and your pillow and pees there just to show her distress.

She wants you to spend more time with her. Maybe she would revert after that. 

Anxiety Issues

Just like we prefer a safe place when we are afraid of something. Cats, as well, find a place where they feel relaxed.

The bed’s surface is relatively elevated. An alleviated surface provides somewhat like a bird’s eye view and the cat knows who is watching her pee and who is chasing her down.

No matter if she actually has an enemy in the house or not, she gets her anxiety relieved this way.

So, the ultimate remedy is in curing her anxiety issues.

Pee’s odor mixed with your odor could also be her obsession. She might have developed a liking for that particular mix of smells. 

Something vital you might be missing

Cats do like playing, taking treats, etc.

But meanwhile, they must also be given a platform to execute their instinctive habits i.e. they love to feel like predators and hunt for meals.

No matter even if you provide them with the best feed, they must get the feeling of being a predator.

A lifestyle in which there is aesthetics only drags them into a kind of abnormality that replicates itself in the form of spoiled habits and peeing on bed is one of them.

cat peeing on my bed

Provide that opportunity in such a manner that it all appears organic.

If not possible, you can leave them in the street and let them stray. That gets them out of occasional stress and uneasiness.

Another exercise would be to let them chase their toy, badger for extra playtime etc. They get their positive energy from these traits.

Cats also don’t like the entry of cousin cat in the house. They are intelligent enough to foresee that she is going to get equal attention and love.

That is another factor why she gets angry and relieves herself on the bed.

Sensitive paws after declawing

Cats who scratch too much often get declawed by their parents. Their paws get allergic, and over-sensitive towards harder surfaces afterward. Peeing in the litterbox becomes difficult then.

There is a comfortable environment on the bed, when rashes hurt, they relieve themselves at once and start peeing on the bed.

What is the remedy?

Try to feed them on the bed:

When you feed them in bed, they develop a territorial feeling about it and stop peeing there.

If it is anxiety induced:

Stress leads to anxiety and once you establish that it is anxiety, try to make her stress free. Make her toys, and treats readily available. Keep her hydrated.

Use citrus repellents:

As you probably know, cats hate citrus smells, be it oranges or lemons. You can spray any of these smells on your bedsheet and washable clothes pile, so she has automatically repelled away from your bed. 

Final Thoughts

Ever noticed she shines even more frequently once she pees on the bed and gets ignored? Pee odour is the reason! It drags her back where she feels home especially when there is a need to pee.

It’s very important to remove that smell. Otherwise, her habit would get stronger with time. In case she is constantly peeing even after trying remedies, your Vet could be the final person to guide you further.


  • Cat Behavior Problems, By Debra Horwitz, DVM, DACVB & Gary Landsberg, DVM, DACVB, DECAWBM, Behavior, Medical Conditions, Pet Services
  • Feline Behavior Problems: House Soiling, Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University
  • Inappropriate Elimination (House-Soiling) in Cats, Veterinary Partner
  • Common Risk Factors for Urinary House Soiling (Periuria) in Cats and Its Differentiation: The Sensitivity and Specificity of Common Diagnostic Signs, A. M. Barcelos,K. McPeake,N. Affenzeller,D. S. Mills,  doi: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00108

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Amelia Kteylor

Amelia Kteylor, DVM, attended the University of Georgia. She is a cat expert with 20 years of experiences in field. She has a passion as a writer and editor for pet publishing industry too. Amelia contributes to numerous pet magazines in the areas of pet health and groom. Further, she volunteered in cat rescue centers in her leisure time.

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